Ayurveda & Treatments

Ayur (Life) Veda( Knowledge) is an ancient health care system practised in India for nearly 5,000 years. Traditional Ayurveda is a holistic approach seeking to examine the causes of ailments such as Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Body Aches & Pains, Depression, Diabetes, Digestive problems, Eczema, Eye Diseases, Frozen Shoulder, Headaches, High blood pressure, High cholesterol levels, Inflammations, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Menopause problems, Migraines, Memory problems, Obesity, Parkinsons, Paralysis, Pregnancy difficulties, Rheumatoid arthritis, Sciatica, Skin Diseases, Stress and applying the knowledge gained to rebalance the body mind and soul.

At Sampurna Kerala Ayurveda Spa Clinic we follow the traditional Ashtavaidya tradition which has been passed from generation to generation. We offer a treatment process that Holistically rejuvenates the mind, body, and spirit. It is a unique experience where you are immersed in the ancient culture, and where a deep understanding of Ayurveda is used at every point of your visit for the most potent healing effect possible.

Authentic Ayurvedic treatments penetrate and cleanse the entire body and remove deeply embedded toxins while bringing balance to the body. A comprehensive treatment from a genuine Ayurvedic spa can literally improve your life. At Sampurna Kerala Ayurveda Clinic and Spa , we offer 100% authentic Ayurvedic treatments that are more true to Ayurveda than most of what you will find in Kerala. What is special about these treatments is that they can effectively remove toxins stored in fat, something conventional spa treatments and cleanses have difficulty in achieving.

Ayurveda has a much greater appreciation for the inherent intelligence within the body, and offers a deeper understanding of the connection between the mind and the body. In Ayurveda the approach to curing an illness is not to "fight" the symptoms of disease but instead to eliminate the root cause of the illness by re-enlivening the body’s natural intelligence. With this understanding Ayurvedic medicine seeks to work with the body rather than against it. Ayurvedic remedy comes from an ancient body of knowledge called the Vedas and is practiced today around the world as a form of alternative medicine. The Ayurvedic approach to health is one of wholeness rather than one of fragmentation. Ayurvedic medicines not only cure or relieve specific illnesses but simultaneously strengthen the entire body. This holistic approach understands that a balance between the fundamental energies within the body is necessary for health to be maintained. These principle energies are called Doshas and are derived from the five elements Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Space(cosmos).

Ayurveda also offers a preventive approach to health that is not offered by conventional medicine. Modern medicine does try to offer health prevention but does not offer preventive medicine in the same way that Ayurveda does. Ayurveda offers prevention by detecting and correcting imbalances in the bodies subtle energies (Doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) long before any disease has arisen. Modern medicine has no form of diagnosis like thi s, it only hopes to detect disease by looking for the symptoms of the disease. Herbs are used extensively in Ayurveda both for treating and preventing diseases. Ayurveda offers holistic herbology by combining herbs into sometimes complex formulas that nourish every aspect of the body simultaneously. The holistic nature of Ayurvedic herbology also eliminates side effects that can result from taking certain herbs in isolation.

TRADITIONAL AYURVEDIC THERAPIES - Abhyangam (general body massage), Abyangasnanam (medicated steam bath), Siroabhyanga (head massage), Pizhichil (medicated oil bath), Njavarakizhi (applying special warm herbal rice poultice on the body), Pathrapotlisweda (sweating by applying leaves and herbal steam), Udvarthanam (body massage with special herbal powders), Nasyam (nasal application of herbal oils and juices), Sirovasthy (therapy by retaining medicated oil on the head, Basti (Ayurvedic colonic irrigation), Tharpanam (therapy by retaining medicated oil on eyes), Marma (therapy for joints), Natural Facials, Ayur Yoga utilizing Yoga and Ayurveda, Mukhakanti, Ayurvedic Cosmetology and Facials.




low energy and mood, low self-esteem, and loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities, thinking difficulties such as memory loss, challenges concentrating or making decisions.

Reasons for Conditions

nutritional, psychological, physical, emotional, environmental, social, and spiritual factors, as well as genetic tendencies or brain disease or simply a symptom that a person is anxious or depressed.

Self Help

Breathe slow exhalation helps relax the body , Move your body, Spend time in nature, Get regular, replenishing sleep, Spend time with supportive friends/family, Accept imperfection, Eat real/functional foods and drink lots of water, Meditate (sitting or moving) or take regular time for self-awareness practice, Practice forgiveness, Practice gratitude daily.


Seek Nutrional advise.


Move around - house chores, gardening, walking, swimming etc.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Abhyanga with vaata alleviating oils. Siroabhyanga with Sirodhaara.Practicing Pranayama in yoga along with asanaas like shavasana on a regular basis.



Joint aching and soreness, especially with movement, Pain after overuse or after long periods of inactivity, Bony enlargements in the middle and end joints of the fingers (which may or may not be painful), Joint swelling and joint fluid accumulation.

Reasons for Conditions

Autoimmune ; AGEING; Ayurvedic principles state that Ama / accumulation of toxins can lead to decrease of Agni which may lead to joint dysfunctions.

Self Help

 Losing weight helps reduce stress and strain on joints. Mild exercises only.


To take:green leafy vegetables(preferably steamed),sprouts, fat free milk, green lentils, spices like Methi(Fenugreek), jeera (cumin), dhaniya(coriander) , water.To avoid: non vegetarian , tea , coffee, chocolates, sodas, white flour, sugar products, white rice, chemical additives, cold chilled food, cabbage, cauiflower, mushroom, raw apples.


Regular exercise, including aerobics, strength training, and range of motion/flexibility, improves pain, increases walking tolerance, and decreases self-assessed disability.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Detox diet followed by application of oils like mahanaryana tailam, churna pinda swedana and patrapotli swedana . Yoga postures like chest knee , maha mudra and half bridge pose.



Recurrent wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, coughing.

Reasons for Conditions

Complex environmental and genetic factors.

Self Help

Avoid cold and damp places, avoid triggers like cigarette smoke, pets, aspirin, dust, perfumes. Use well ventilated indoor spcaces.


To take: boiled water(warm), spices like fresh ginger , fenugreek, fresh carrot juice, fresh spinach juice. Avoid: fried / processed foods, rice , curds, buttermilk, sugar, lentils, cheese, guava, papya , watermelon, bananas.


Deep breathing exercises. Walking outdoors in normal weather conditions on a daily basis.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Ayurveda recommends a healthy regime where lifestyle changes are incorporated with diet and yoga asanas like pranayama and others like savasana , sukasana, shalabhasana, and matsyasana.



Social interactions and relationships. Symptoms may include:

  • Significant problems developing nonverbal communication skills, such as eye-to-eye gazing, facial expressions, and body posture.
  • Failure to establish friendships with children the same age.
  • Lack of interest in sharing enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people.
  • Lack of empathy. People with autism may have difficulty understanding another person's feelings, such as pain or sorrow.
Verbal and nonverbal communication. Symptoms may include:
  • Delay in, or lack of, learning to talk. As many as 40% of people with autism never speak
  • Problems taking steps to start a conversation. Also, people with autism have difficulties continuing a conversation after it has begun.
  • Stereotyped and repetitive use of language. People with autism often repeat over and over a phrase they have heard previously (echolalia).
  • Difficulty understanding their listener's perspective. For example, a person with autism may not understand that someone is using humor. They may interpret the communication word for word and fail to catch the implied meaning.

Reasons for Conditions

There is no known single cause for autism spectrum disorder, but it is generally accepted that it is caused by abnormalities in brain structure or function.

Self Help

As part of a well-baby or well-child visit, your child’s doctor should perform a “developmental screening,” asking specific questions the your baby’s progress.


Consult with vaidya for individualistic diet.


Consult with vaidya.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

  1. Poorva Karma -Preparation for Pancha Karma
  2. Pancha Karma –Main detox
  3. Pashchatya Karma -Post Pancha Karma.
  4. Yoga as a form of exercise can be used in children with ASD by addressing their physical and sensory issues. The practice of yoga improves muscle strength, tone and helps children to become aware of their placement of arms, legs and feet in comparison to the rest of their body. The additional physicalstrength also helps to improve coordination. Many children with ASD may have sensitivities to lights, noise, smells, texture and taste causing them to become agitated. Yoga can help to decrease the amount of sensory stimulation they are experiencing by decreasing their anxiety, releasing energy and calming down their burdened system. Breathing Exercise can also be very helpful. Alternate Nostril Breathing (Anuloma Viloma)is easy to use and employ at any time. This exercise affects your autonomic nervous system (the one we have no conscious control over). The mind is being used directly to regulate the breath, allowing the body to learn to self-regulate. Being centered has to do with balancing the energy on the left and right sides of the body, an important part of self-healing.

Body Aches & Pains


Chronic pain lasts from 3 -6 months, acute pain lasts less than 30 days, subacute from 1 -6 months.

Reasons for Conditions


Self Help

Schedule enough rest and relaxation, monitor level of activities, training the mind to think differently. Having enough physical exercise.


Try to take warm moist and mildy spiced nourishing food. Spices like turmeric, ginger and chamomile are recommended. Sweet , sour and salty tastes are also beneficial.


Only advised according to the discretion of the health practitioner.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Abhyanga with vaata alleviating oils, Pizhichil, meditation, Asanas specific to body part.



Sleep disorders (too much or too little), Shifts in appetite and weight (too much or too little), Irritability or anxiety, Chronic physical symptoms, including pain, gastrointestinal disturbances, headaches, etc., Loss of energy and fatigue, Feelings of persistent sadness, guilt, hopelessness, or loss of self-worth, Thinking difficulties, such as memory loss, challenges concentrating or making decisions, Thoughts of death or suicide.

Reasons for Conditions

Stressful life situations, prolonged illnessess, bereavement, difficult socio economic circumstances, family history, post pregnancy, personal problems, alcohol /drugs dependancy.

Self Help

Supportive relationships , family and friends, increased social activities, support groups, challenge negative thinking, get regular exercise.


Avoid skipping meals, sugar and refined carbohydrates. Take potato, whole wheat pasta, oatmeals and whole grain breads that boost serotonin levels. Citrus fruits, leafy vegetables, eggs , bananas , brown rice and spinach, milk, clove , walnut, pear, coconut, dates and seeds and nuts are also recommended. drink plenty of water.


Exercise in any form is very good in this condition as it serves to release endorphins or the "feel good "hormones that reduce stress.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Daily abhyanga, Sirodhaara and Nasyam are recommended according to the dosha imbalance. Pranayama is recommended in the early morning hours.

Diabetes mellitus(type 2)


Increased frequency of urination, especially at night. Increased thirst, increased hunger, itchiness, slow healing of cuts and wounds/ blurred vision.

Reasons for Conditions

Combination of lifestyle and genetic factors. Controllable factors include diet and obesity while uncontrollable factors are age , gender, and genetics, with above 40 , female and family history of diabetes increasing the risks significantly.

Self Help

Diet control and exercise are the two most important factors that can influence blood sugar levels. Aerobic exercises, resistance training or combination of the two where suitable are beneficial.


Balanced diet is the key here. Choose carbohydrates that are slowly absorbed . Choose wholemeal bread and wholegrain options as these keep bowels regular. Avoid foods in the high fat and sugar category. For a more comprehensive and personalised diet plan please consult with the practitioner.


Walking is the simplest yet most powerful exercise for diabetes. Aerobics and abdominal stretches are effective as well. Always carry a carb snack to to avoid any sudden dip in sugar levels.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Ashtanga examination, pulse readings and panchakarma are recommended to suit each person after consultation. Yoga recommends postures like Vajrasana, mandukasana, supta vajrasana, sarvangasan, bhujangasana along with pranayama.Daily abhyanga, Sirodhaara and Nasyam are recommended according to the dosha imbalance. Pranayama is recommended in the early morning hours.

Digestive problems


Loss of appetite, irregular bowel habits, Flatus(wind), triedness, bloatedness,indigestion,abdominal distension , acid reflux are the common symptoms.

Reasons for Conditions

Erratic eating habits( not eating on time, overeating, insufficient eating), wrong combinations of food, stress, anxiety, Gastrointesinal lesions.

Self Help

Try to stick to a schedule for mealtimes, avoid skipping or delaying meals, do plenty of exercise and outdoor activity if possible, do not overeat, sip on warm water or ginger tea if possible, plan to have a large meal at lunchtime, and allow atleast 3 hours time for dinner before going to bed.


Incorporate useful spices like garlic and ginger help to get rid of gas and bloating. Add plenty of fibre rich foods to get regular bowels. Cumin , coriander and fenugreek can be added to food preparations. Asafoetida is beneficial as well. Avoid heavy dairy products and refined sugars.


Yoga and meditation are highly recommended.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Ama pachana, deepana , and shodhana are the principles of treatment depending on the individuals constitution and dosha imbalance. Regular meditation and pranayama are considered helpful.



Redness of skin, swelling , itching and skinj lesions with oozing or scarring.

Reasons for Conditions

Maybe combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Self Help

Try and avoid contact with irritants like harsh soap or detergents, creams, synthetic clothing, getting too hot or too cold, scratching affected areas, intake of certain allergy inducing foods like nuts , house dust mite.


Avoiding virudhahara or opposite foods(please consult pratitioner for details), processed foods, excess sweet,deep fried , foods with artificial additives , strong flavours. Intake of natural and mild flavoured foods is highly recommended.


Regular exposure to outdoors for fresh air helps the skin to detoxify.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

After a detailed consultation an assessment of the prakrti and vikriti is done to chart out invidual diet and lifestyle plans along with oils for application.

Frozen Shoulder


Pain and stiffness of shoulder joint, followed by easing of pain but increase in stiffness and limitation of movements. Frequently the non dominant shoulder is involved.

Reasons for Conditions

Although a specific cause is not identified , age , gender and diabetes increase the risk, females aged 40 to 60 commonly being affected. However it may follow an injury to the shoulder as well.

Self Help

The affected shoulder has to be moved under proper supervision. A flat pillow may be used at night. Avoid sleeping on the side affected. Do not lift or carry heavy weight on the shoulder.keep the neck and shoulder warm and perform stretching exercises to prevent further complications.


Cold and chilled food to be avoided. In diabetics the diet corresponding diet plan to be maintained.


Rehabilitative exercises under the guidance of practitioner after assessments. Rotation of shoulder and neck to be done regularly.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Abhyanga and swedana by application of herbs, nasyam and narangakizhi. Panchakarma may be advised for upto 10 days. Pizhichil is also effective. Pranayama hepls to alleviate vitiated vata.



Pain anywhere in the head or neck region, along with stiffness.

Reasons for Conditions

Primary headaches are benign, recurrent and not caused by underlying disease or strustural problems. Migraines and tension type are the commonest ones.

Self Help

To avoid repeated episodes of headache don’t skip meals, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, avoid excess caffeine, quit smoking if you are a regular smoker.


Avoid excess caffeine, too hot or too cold foods, and spicy foods. The key is to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.


Neck and shoulder stretching to prevent stiffness .

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Siroahyanga , nasyam , siropichu are advised depending on the individual severity.

High blood pressure


Dizziness, excessive sweating, fatigue are commonly symptoms seen along with a constant rise of blood pressure at 150/100mm of Hg.

Reasons for Conditions

The exact causes are not known but contributing factors maybe smoking, obesity, lack of physical activity, too much salt, excess alcohol, stress, age and genetics.

Self Help

Exercise regularly to reduce excess weight, keep a healthy diet plan and stick to it, avoid consumption of alcohol and salty foods.


Foods that are rich in potassium can bring down blood pressure and fresh fruits and veg are a better option than supplements.Avoid eating processed food and always check labels for salt content before buying. Salt can be substituted with herbs an spices in cooking.


Depending on the blood pressure readings a range of exercises may be advised from walking to more complex ones, like Aerobics.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Sirodhaara , abhyanga pulse examination and diet control are the line of treatment in ayurveda. Yoga suggests sukhasana, pranayama, bhramari, janusirasana, paschimothasana, savasana, ardh halasana, vajrasana, yognidra as useful postures.

High cholesterol levels


Angina, stroke, pain on walking are symptoms pointing to high cholesterol levels.

Reasons for Conditions

Intake of too much saturated fats, obesity, inactivity, age , family history , high blood pressure, diabetes, can all increase risk of getting high cholestorl levels.

Self Help

It is important to keep a healthy diet and lifestyle while ensuring that blood tests are done to keep a check on the blood cholesterol levels.


Tuna and salmon lower triglyceride levels in blood. REPLACE BUTTER WITH OLIVE OIL. Kidney beans, black beans , garbanzo beans and lentils are types of beans that are good. Oats,almonds, walnuts,green tea,strawberries,avocados are all cholesterol lowering foods.drink plenty of warm water.


walking, jogging, swimming, aerobics, biking, outdoor sports like tennis , and even weight training is recommended .

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Ayurveda recommends a diet plan with intake of a spice mixture combining turmeric, cumin, coriander, fennel, fenugreek, ginger and black pepper for intake(3:6:6:2:1:1). Practicing kapalbhati and pranayama twice a day for 15 to 20 minutes is recommended in Yoga.



  • Dolor (pain)
  • Calor (heat)
  • Rubor (redness)
  • Tumor (swelling)
  • Functio laesa (loss of function)

Reasons for Conditions

  • Burns
  • Chemical irritants
  • Frostbite
  • Toxins
  • Infection by pathogens
  • Physical injury, blunt or penetrating
  • Immune reactions due to hypersensitivity
  • Ionizing radiation
  • Foreign bodies, including splinters, dirt and debris
  • Stress
  • Trauma
  • Alcohol

Self Help

Need Consultation.


  • pro-inflammatory foods include: Processed oils
  • Fatty meat and dairy including most beef, pork and whole milk.
  • Trans fat
  • Sugar, other sweeteners and foods with added sugar or syrup. (This is a long list)
  • Flour containing gluten
  • White rice
  • omega-6 (ω-6) fatty acids (omega 3 and 9 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory)
  • corn
  • soy
  • peppers
  • tomatoes
  • eggplant
  • potatoes
  • citrus fruit
  • alcohol
  • peanut


Need Consultation.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Need Consultation



  • Difficulty falling asleep at night.
  • Awakening during the night.
  • Awakening too early.
  • Not feeling well rested after a night's sleep.
  • Daytime tiredness or sleepiness.
  • Irritability, depression or anxiety.
  • Difficulty paying attention, focusing on tasks or remembering.
  • Increased errors or accidents

Reasons for Conditions

Insomnia can be caused by psychiatric and medical conditions, unhealthy sleep habits, specific substances, and/or certain biological factors.

Self Help

Carve out at least 30 minutes of wind-down time before bed in which you do something relaxing, such as read a book. Dim the lights in the house slightly for an hour or so before bed. Disconnect from close-range electronic devices such as laptops, phones, and tablets, as the light from their screens can alert the brain and make it harder to fall asleep. In order to calm your mind, do a breathing or relaxation exercise.


Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening, and alcohol close to bedtime. These can promote wakeups during the night.


Practice a simple breathing exercise.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Siroabhyanga, Sirodhaara, Sarvanga abhyanga, are recommended as therapies in ayurveda. Pranayama and daily meditation are advised in Yoga.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Chronic abdominal pain, discomfort,bloating,and alteration of bowel habits,chronic fatigue, headaches.

Reasons for Conditions

Bacterial overgrowth, food intolerances,prolonged fever , anxiety and depression.

Self Help

Learn to keep stress under control, make changes to diet by keeping a food diary to help recognise foods that may bring on bowel problems.


Avoid dairy products, high fat foods, and rich or spicy foods. Personalised plan for individual needs is recommended after a detailed consultation with practitioner.


Abdominal stretching exercises and yoga is highly beneficial.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

An assessment is carried out to make necessary changes o diet and lifestyle along with practise of regular meditation and pranayama. Ardhamatsyendra asana,parighasana, reclining abdominal twist, supported bridge pose, are some of the recommended asanas.

Menopause problems


  • hot flushes and night sweats.
  • feeling your heart racing (palpitations)
  • changes to your vagina, such as dryness, discomfort, itching and pain during sex.
  • difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
  • loss of interest in sex (libido)

Reasons for Conditions

The menopause is a natural part of ageing. All women go through it. However, there are some things that can cause the menopause to happen early, such as:

  • surgery to remove your ovaries (oophorectomy) which may be carried out during surgery to remove your womb (hysterectomy)
  • chemotherapy
  • radiotherapy to the pelvic area
  • autoimmune disease
  • medical conditions, such as Turner syndrome

Self Help

  • wear lighter clothing
  • keep your bedroom cool at night
  • do more exercise
  • try to reduce your stress levels
  • avoid potential "hot flush" triggers, such as spicy food, caffeine, smoking and alcohol


As oestrogen levels diminish in the female body during the menopause, bone density may lessen and can contribute to osteoporosis (brittle bones). Increasing calcium intake ( in milk, yoghurt, cheese, sardines or small fish with bones, vegetable such as; broccoli, as well as nuts and seeds) may help support a healthy bone density. To ensure that the calcium is fully absorbed and deposited in the bones, it should be combined with foods rich in phosphorus such as (peanuts, meat, cheese, onions, garlic) and combined with vitamin D (in oily fish, lentils, eggs and brown rice).


  • A generally active lifestyle is the key. However, a woman’s aging body will benefit from three major types of activity:
  • aerobic conditioning for heart health and calorie-burning (walking, cycling, swimming, aerobics...)
  • strength training for muscles, bones and metabolism (dumbbells, weight machines, exercise bands)
  • stretching for flexible muscles and fluid movement (stretching, yoga, pilates...)
  • Recreational activities such as tennis, dance, martial arts, etc, can provide additional muscle and bone-building benefits and increase your fun factor!And don’t forget those pelvic floor exercises.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Treatment line may include siropichu, abhyanga, and sirodhaara depending on the sypmtoms involved. Daily yoga exercises like bhujanhasana and vajrasana along with pranayama will help.



  • a headache that lasts anything from four up to 72 hours
  • pulsating or throbbing pain, often just on one side of your head
  • a headache that gets worse when you’re active or stops you from being active
  • feeling sick or vomiting
  • increased sensitivity to light and sounds.

Reasons for Conditions

Common triggers include:

  • stress
  • changes in sleep patterns
  • poor posture or tension in your neck and shoulders
  • certain food or drink – commonly chocolate, cheese, alcohol, caffeine
  • loud noises
  • bright or flickering lights
  • certain smells
  • strenuous exercise if you’re not used to it
  • skipping meals
  • not drinking enough fluid.

Self Help

Eat at about the same time every day. Don't skip meals. Eating breakfast is especially important. Avoid foods that trigger migraines. If you suspect that a certain food — such as aged cheese, chocolate, caffeine or alcohol — is triggering your migraines, eliminate it from your diet to see what happens.Establish regular sleep hours. Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day — even on weekends. If you nap during the day, keep it short. Naps longer than 20 to 30 minutes may interfere with nighttime sleep. Unwind at the end of the day. Anything that helps you relax can promote better sleep: Listen to soothing music, soak in a warm bath or read a favorite book. But watch what you eat and drink before bedtime. Intense exercise, heavy meals, caffeine, nicotine and alcohol can interfere with sleep. Minimize distractions. Save your bedroom for sleep and intimacy. Don't watch television or take work materials to bed. Close your bedroom door. Use a fan to muffle distracting noises. Don't try to sleep. The harder you try to sleep, the more awake you'll feel. If you can't fall asleep, read or do another quiet activity until you become drowsy.


Avoid foods that trigger migraines. If you suspect that a certain food — such as aged cheese, chocolate, caffeine or alcohol — is triggering your migraines, eliminate it from your diet to see what happens.


Keeping active by doing 30 minutes of exercise of moderate intensity on five or more days a week may also help prevent migraines.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Siroabhyanga and Nasyam are highly recommended in ayurveda.

Memory problems


  • Common symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia include:memory loss, especially problems with memory for recent events, such as forgetting messages, remembering routes or names, and asking questions repetitively
  • increasing difficulties with tasks and activities that require organisation and planning
  • becoming confused in unfamiliar environments
  • difficulty finding the right words
  • difficulty with numbers and/or handling money in shops
  • changes in personality and mood
  • depression



Increased body fat-Breathlessness on exertion-Lethargy-Excessive sweating with bad odour-Fatigue. Obesity is likely when an individual's body mass index (BMI) is 30 or higher.

Reasons for Conditions

Some of the causes are inactivity, unhealthy diet and eating habits, pregnancy-some women find it difficult to lose weight after the baby is born, lack of sleep causing changes in hormones that increase your appetite and certain medications can lead to weight and certain other medical problems.

Self Help

Keep a Health Diary monitoring food intake and daily exercise regime, try and improve on your diet and exercise slowly everyday.


Starting to make healthy changes in your diet, such as eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains and reducing portion sizes. Focus on achievable, enjoyable changes. Eat breakfast. Tracking how much you're eating or drinking each day so that you get a sense of how many calories you're taking in.


Try to get up and move around your home more frequently. Start gradually if you aren't in good shape or aren't used to exercising. Even a 10-minute daily walk can help. If you have any health conditions, or if you're a man over age 40 or a woman over age 50, talk to your doctor or health care provider before you start a new exercise program, walking, running, and cycling among the most effective forms of exercise for reducing body fat.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Initial Detoxification, Panchakarma – the classical five-fold purification therapies- which work to re-set the metabolism – leading to a long-lasting impact on weight maintenance. Udwarthanam -a combination of deep dry massage with special herbal powders and pastes, Bashpa Swedam - herbal steam and herbal remedies.



Tremor, Slowed movement (bradykinesia), Rigid muscles, Impaired posture and balance, Loss of automatic movements, Speech changes, Writing changes.

Reasons for Conditions

Several factors appear to play a role, including-Genes, Environmental triggers, changes in the brain like the presence of Lewy bodies, the most important of these is the natural and widespread protein called alpha-synuclein.

Self Help

Try not to move too quickly. Aim for your heel to strike the floor first when you're walking. If you notice yourself shuffling, stop and check your posture. It's best to stand up straight. Look in front of you, not directly down, while walking.


Include high fibre foods such as peas and beans, whole grain bread and food, vegetables, cereals, bran, pasta, rice, fresh fruits etc, High water intake is important at least 8 glasses a day. Avoid food that has a lot of cholesterol or saturated fat, reduce amount of milk or yogurt especially sugar and salt, avoid alcohol when on medication with the medication. Some research has shown that caffeine found in coffee, tea and cola and Green Tea may reduce the risk of developing Parkinson's disease. Please consult your doctor.


walking, swimming, dancing, water aerobics or stretching.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

We recommend Ayurveda treatments to be complimentary with Allopathy treatments. Massage therapy to muscle tension and promote relaxation, normally not covered by NHS. Yoga.- gentle stretching movements and poses to increase flexibility and balance . Meditation. to quietly reflect and focus your mind on an idea or image and reduce stress and pain and improve your sense of well-beingand music or art therapy.



Paralysis is the loss of muscle function in part of your body. It happens when something goes wrong with the way messages pass between your brain and muscles. Paralysis can be complete or partial. It can occur on one or both sides of your body. It can also occur in just one area, or it can be widespread. Paralysis of the lower half of your body, including both legs, is called paraplegia. Paralysis of the arms and legs is quadriplegia.

Reasons for Conditions

Most paralysis is due to strokes or injuries such as spinal cord injury or a broken neck. Other causes of paralysis include:

  • Nerve diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Autoimmune diseases such as Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • Bell's palsy, which affects muscles in the face

Self Help

Please consult for individualistic diet needs.


Please consult vaidya.


Balance, coordination and stability are the foundation of starting an exercise program for a partially paralyzed patient, which in turn improve gait and mobility. Active or passive range of motion exercises will help prevent muscles from atrophying, whether full use of the limb is regained or not. Physical conditioning promoted through passive range of motion may improve strength and help the patient to adapt or learn how to gain as much use from damaged limbs as possible.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

A series of treatments may be advised after consultation which may include Sarvangadhaara, Pizhichil, Njavarakizhi over a time period determined by the Vaidya.

Pregnancy Care

Self Help

There is much a pregnant woman can do to take care of herself during pregnancy. If she has any questions about diet, the use of drugs or nutritional supplements, physical activity, and sexual intercourse during pregnancy, she can talk with her doctor or other health care practitioner.


During pregnancy, the woman's diet should be adequate and nutritious. If she does not consume enough nutrients for herself and the fetus, nutrients first go to nourish the fetus. However, adding about 250 calories to the daily diet is usually enough to provide nourishment for both. Most of the extra calories should be protein. The diet should be well-balanced and include fresh fruits, grains, and vegetables. Cereals that are high in fiber and low in sugar are a good choice.


Many pregnant women are concerned about moderating their activities. However, most women can continue their usual activities and exercises throughout pregnancy. Mildly strenuous sports, such as swimming and brisk walking, are good choices.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Pre and Post Parum abhyanga are recommended under constant supervision. A pregnancy massage can be carried out from 7th month onwards and upto 2 months after delivery.

Rheumatoid arthritis


Autoimmune, Inflammations, Ageing, degeneration

Reasons for Conditions

Joint pain and swelling. Stiffness, tiredness (fatigue), depression, irritability, anaemia, flu-like symptoms, such as feeling generally ill, feeling hot and sweating.

Self Help

Carrying too much weight puts extra strain on your back, hips, knees and feet. You also need to watch out for being underweight. Your body needs the right nutrients and fuel to help you combat this condition.


Try to eat a balanced diet, with smaller amounts of fat and sugar, and plenty of fruit and vegetables, and foods high in calcium and iron. And don’t forget oily fish, a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, unsaturated fats and calcium.


Exercise is important for your health in all sorts of ways – but if you have rheumatoid arthritis, you need to be careful about what you do – and how much you do. Rest is important for swollen painful joints, it helps to ease the pain and make you more comfortable, but if you don’t move your joints, they’ll stiffen up, and your muscles will deteriorate. The answer is to find the right balance of rest and exercise for you. It’s something you’ll discover through trial and error.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Panchakarma therapies along with preparatory treatments like choornapinda swedam , patrapotliswedam, according to the practitioner's discretion.



Sciatica is not a diagnosis but a description of symptoms. Anything that places pressure on one or more of the lumbar nerve roots can cause pain in parts or all of the sciatic nerve. A herniated disk, spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal), degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, or other abnormalities of vertebrae can all cause pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Reasons for Conditions

Lumbar herniated disc Degenerative disc disease Isthmic spondylolisthesis Lumbar spinal stenosis

Self Help

Try supporting your lower back with a cushion or Lumbar Roll to ease pressure. Avoid sitting in chairs or couches that allow you to slouch.do not sit or stand for more than 20-30 minutes. Any prolonged posture builds tension in your muscles and joints. Sleep is very restorative. Healing speeds up and damage is repaired quicker.


Foods high in magnesium include nuts (almonds, cashews, pistachios, walnuts, etc.), beans, bananas, and leafy green vegetables. Factors that deplete magnesium levels include a diet high in phytates (found in whole grains and unleavened bread), coffee and other caffeinated substances, and excess calcium intake should be avoided.


Rest – exercise is great at keeping you fit and strong, but once sciatica occurs it pays to ease up or stop exercising for now. The Piriformis muscle which is a common cause of sciatica, can get irritated with exercise that jars your body. So ease up on running, tennis, basketball, soccer and other explosive activity sports. Walking, swimming and other low impact sport is still good.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Dhanyamladhaara, Abhyanga swedam, patrapotliswedam, sarvangadhaara, Kadeevasty, Navarakizhi, Vasti are done for management. The therapies take 5 to 6 weeks depending on severity of treatment.



Everyone reacts to stress in different ways. However, there are some common symptoms to look out for. Your symptoms can be psychological, emotional, behavioural or physical, or a mix of these. Psychological symptoms of stress can include:

  • constant worrying
  • an inability to concentrate
  • feeling that you have poor judgement
  • seeing only the negative
  • anxious thoughts
  • memory problems
If you’re affected emotionally by stress, your symptoms may include:
  • mood swings or changes in your mood
  • irritability or having a short temper
  • an inability to relax
  • feeling overwhelmed
  • a sense of loneliness
  • depression
  • low self-esteem
Your behaviour might also change and you may be:
  • eating more or less than usual
  • sleeping too much or too little
  • isolating yourself from others
  • neglecting or putting off responsibilities
  • using alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs to relax
  • developing nervous habits, for example, nail biting or not being able to sit still
Stress can affect you physically, causing symptoms such as:
  • aches and pains
  • diarrhoea and constipation
  • nausea or dizziness
  • chest pains
  • loss of sex drive

Reasons for Conditions

Common external causes of stress: Major life changes:

  • Work or school
  • Relationship difficulties
Financial problems:
  • Being too busy
  • Children and family
Common internal causes of stress: Chronic worry:
  • Pessimism
  • Negative self-talk
Unrealistic expectations/Perfectionism:
  • Rigid thinking, lack of flexibility
  • All-or-nothing attitude

Self Help

Set aside relaxation time. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing activate the body’s relaxation response, a state of restfulness that is the opposite of the stress response. Exercise regularly. Physical activity plays a key role in reducing and preventing the effects of stress. Nothing beats aerobic exercise for releasing pent-up stress and tension. Eat a healthy diet. Well-nourished bodies are better prepared to cope with stress. Start your day with a healthy breakfast, reduce your caffeine and sugar intake, and cut back on alcohol and nicotine. Get plenty of sleep. Feeling tired can increase stress by causing you to think irrationally. Keep your cool by getting a good night’s sleep.


Eat a balanced diet of meat, nuts, seeds, fresh fruit and vegetables and oily fish. If you need to snack during the day, try pumpkin or sunflower seeds and fruit, particularly bananas. Fresh organic food is the best source.If you want to deal with stress, drink water. It hydrates every part of the body and brain and helps you to better cope with stressful situations. A good rule is to take a few sips every 15 minutes. The best source is room-temperature still water bought in glass bottles (some plastic bottles can leach chemicals into the water inside) or use a jug filter system that you fill from the tap.If you want to keep your blood pressure low, avoid salt. Don't add it during cooking, and only use small amounts at the table. Try flavouring in other ways. Herbs, garlic, ginger, chillis lemon juice or wine all add terrifically to the flavour of certain types of food.


Select sports or other physical activities that you enjoy. If you enjoy lifting weights then don't begin training for a marathon or try a triathlon. Any form of exercise or physical activity will increase your fitness and combat stress so stick with what you like doing to keep motivation levels high.

Complimentary Therapy of Ayurveda & Yoga

Abhyangam , Sirodhaara, padabhyanga, choornapindaswedam,and panchakarma procedures according to dosha condition.

Ayurvedic Diet

Ayurveda recognizes that the healthiest diet is different for each individual. An Ayurvedic expert will make dietary recommendations to a guest so as to restore or maintain balance in their physiology. For example: sometimes these dietary recommendations will be for heavy foods for patients who are very Vata (Vata Dosha, derived from air and space), or for very light foods, hot foods, or cooling foods. Ayurveda also recognizes the importance of eating fresh foods, as fresh foods contain more life energy (pranah).

Marma Points and Ayurvedic Massage Marma is a Sanskrit word that means hidden, or secret. A marma point is a place on the body where two or more types of tissue meet, such as muscles, veins, ligaments, bones or joints. These points are however much more than physical connecting points, they are the points where the physical body is connected to pure consciousness (the unified unmanifest field of all possibilities). By massaging and enlivening marma points, Ayurvedic massage awakens the pure, unchanging quality of the unmanifest field of life within the physical body

Ayurvedic Massage Oils Different Ayurvedic herbal massage oils are used for people with a predominance of different doshas. Kerala Ayurvedic spa practicing authentic Ayurveda will not only use different herbs in the massage oils but will also offer different types of oils and/or oils heated to different temperatures depending on each Client's needs. For example people who are predominately Kapha and Vata (tend to be colder) and so might have a warmer oil containing more heating herbs. At Kerala Ayurveda Spa the treatment oils are catered to your specific needs based on a health consultation from an Ayurvedic expert. Organic Massage Oils are used because the massage oil is the medium through which toxins are expelled from the body during treatments, therefore it is important that only the highest quality oils are used. Sampurna Kerala Ayurveda offers 100% organic massage oil for all treatments.

When diet is wrong medicine is of no use and when diet is correct medicine is of no need


Ayurvedic massages are offered at Kerala Ayurveda Spa Clinic as part of a comprehensive panchakarma treatment or individually through the day spa. The massage therapists at Kerala Ayurveda Spa Clinic are highly trained in Ayurveda, and great care is taken to follow authentic Ayurvedic guidelines. At Sampurna we offer Ayurvedic treatments that are catered to your specific needs. Even before treatments begin, Clients are given a detailed health analysis, and a health consultation, during the consultation, pulse diagnosis is used to detect subtle imbalances, and the Vaidyar will discuss the appropriate plan to relieve these imbalances. From that point on the entire treatment process is customized, from the type of food served to the type of treatments and the specific herbs used in the massage oils. It is very important that the Client is open about his health and lifestyle as the treatment is tailored just for that Client, treatments that are good for one person, may be less beneficial or even be harmful to a person with a different body type or with another condition.

Look for Authentic Ayurveda Treatments

There a quite a few spas now offering Ayurvedic treatments but very few that offer authentic Ayurvedic treatments, and there is a difference. Unlike other forms of spa treatments the Ayurvedic approach is very comprehensive and precise. Many centres claiming to offer Ayurveda treatments only have partial knowledge of Ayurveda and end up offering treatments that are not even related to Ayurveda . Sampurna Kerala Ayurveda Spa Clinic as the name says is a result of the most complete revival of Ayurvedic knowledge in modern history and is fortunate enough to be able to offer truly authentic Ayurveda spa treatments. The procedures used at Kerala Ayurvedic Spa Clinic have been put together by many of Kerala’s top Ayurvedic Vaidyars, and are the purest form of Ayurveda treatments available. When you receive genuine Ayurvedic treatments you can expect a deeply relaxing experience where every opportunity is taken to help your body relax and release even the mostly deeply rooted toxins. In order to be performed correctly these treatments must be both enjoyable and completely comfort-able, because only then can the physiology reach the necessary point of relaxation from which toxins can be released.